We had a good game yesterday. We played Swindon Nalgo at home and batted first, putting on a total of 205, but were all out with three and a half overs to go. Lurch and Alan had a partnership of 110 before the first wicket fell when Alan was bowled by one of their better bowlers, a spinner named Mahmood. Lurch then faced a challenging over from Mahmood where there were at least 4 LBW appeals. The umpire (Muppet) had some difficult decisions to make and eventually gave Lurch out. Lurch refused to walk for a while but eventually started to stroll back to the pavillion resentfully. Swindon Nalgo sportingly called him back and agreed that he wasn’t out so Lurch got to face another 2 balls before he was bowled.

Barry also had a good spell with the bat and scored 35. Elbows deserves a mention for being caught first ball after smacking the ball directly to a fielder at square leg. The other team’s fielding was first class with only one dropped catch amongst some good difficult catches. Peachy also deserves a mention for scoring; three fours before being caught.

We then had a brilliant tea made by Tom (Aviator) North and Ian (Elbows) Rollinson. Well done guys. Sorry that we didn’t believe that you could do such a good job.

It was possibly the good tea that made us struggle in the field. We’ve definitely fielded better. Everyone was feeling slightly cocky after getting such a good target and then getting 5 wickets for 76 runs. Barry getting a double wicket maiden from his third over. Graham’s cap was at a jaunty angle and spirits were high. Then their good batsmen came out to bat to make things difficult for us.

We battled hard at the end, but they managed to get the required runs with 2 balls and 2 batsmen to go. It was an enjoyable close game with plenty of entertainment all round. But unfortunately the wrong result.