Wootton & Boars Hill (A) – OCA Div 4

One look at the met office website and not a single person in our team was confident about playing a full match today. So it was a good day for Colin and Chief to head off for their civil partnership and make themselves unavailable for selection. We were, however, able to field a full XI, thanks to a Saturday debut for Ian Clark. We found ourselves to the ground, pleased to see they had some covers, made of corrugated iron; these at least may have given us a chance to finish the game…continue reading →

Chesterton (H) OCA Div 4

Excellent weather and a decimated team were the talk of the day as Chesterton came to town for our fifth game against them in two years. We had struggled to ten players, although Nordic kindly agreed to field for an hour despite being a busy man in the midst of organising a party. It was a crying shame that as a club we couldn't get eleven men out for our biggest match of the season; something which looks likely for the rest of the season as well. Colin won the toss, however (“it's…continue reading →

Charlbury II (A) – OCA Div 4

We rocked up to Charlbury to various surprising pieces of news. First up, Ryan had disappointingly dropped out of the team, leaving us a bowler short – although he had been replaced by Ben at the eleventh hour. Hopefully Ryan will be available again next week as our team is weaker without him. Better news was that we had Grant back in the team to bowl his swingers with the shiny new ball. Intriguingly, one of the opposition members was dressed up in a natty Bananaman suit in homage to his fancy dress…continue reading →

Letter from the OCA

This morning I received an email from David Burns who umpired for us against Charlbury yesterday, he is also the OCA vice chairman. Hello Colin, Thought I would drop you a note to say how much I enjoyed Wantage's approach to your match at Charlbury yesterday. Whilst you obviously wanted to win the game your teams attitude, sense of humour, spirit and respect to your opponents was absolutely first class. If this is typical of your approach then you clearly know how to win with good grace. Very entertaining all round and deserving…continue reading →

Eynsham (A) OCA Div 4

Greatly anticipating a match, after some weather last week cost us yet more points in our quest for promotion, we met up at the club ready for a match against Eynsham, who we'd smashed earlier in the season, with Colin notching up a hundred. This match was to be a different sort of affair. The weather was, as recorded in the scorebook, “A Watercolour Haze (but sweaty)” so it was in some respects a blessing that we did not have to field during the hottest part of the day as Colin lost the…continue reading →