• Stewart Bulpitt – £3.50
    • Dots faced – 20p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 20p
    • Playing behind square on the off side – 50p
    • Jug avoidance on hattrick – 50p
    • Drop – 50p
    • Skipping like a dick – 50p
    • Aguero falling over – 50p
    • Stealing fines master’s car – 10p
  • Grant Summersbee – £3.80
    • Dots faced – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 10p
    • Shit shot – 10p
    • Throwing the ball into the floor – 10p
    • Crap fielding with Piccers – 10p
    • Dropping hattrick ball – 50p
    • Being not out in a game lost – 50p
    • Name tattoo’ed on boots – 10p
    • Leave in last over – 10p
    • Grant’s misses’ understanding of cricket – 50p
    • Can’t read – 10p
    • Skipping like a dick – 50p
    • False celebration during World Cup Final – 10p
    • Not getting picked for the Final – 50p
  • Barry Martin – £4.00
    • Dots faced – 40p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 10p
    • Getting hit for a 6 that nearly killed a child – 10p
    • Being a bully – 10p
    • Dropping Challand – 50p
    • Hattrick jug avoidance – 50p
    • Overthrows – 50p
    • Not helping with marquee – 10p
    • Scoring a hundred – 10p
    • Not staying for World Cup Final – 50p
    • Heightism – 50p
    • Full moon??? – 10p
  • Dave Spencer – £3.90
    • Dots faced – 70p
    • Getting out – £1
    • Wides/No balls – 50p
    • Jug avoidance on 50 – 10p
    • Hitting a wheelchair with a 6 – 10p
    • Overthrows – 50p
    • Not being on fines master’s list – 50p
    • Dropping the keeping gloves – 50p
  • Oliver Haine – £2.80
    • Dots faced – 20p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 20p
    • Being not out in a game lost – 50p
    • Not backing up overthrows properly – 50p
    • Drop – 50p
    • Not helping with marquee – 10p
    • Complaining about leg – 10p
    • Something to do with a cake wrapper – 10p
    • Supporting Arsenal – 10p
  • Colin Mercer – £2.70
    • Dots faced – 30p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 10p
    • Misfield – 50p
    • Not getting to £50 in fines money – £1.30
  • Nick Wilkins – £3.40
    • Dots faced – 80p
    • Wetting himself before playing – 10p
    • Crap fielding with Grant – 50p
    • Dropping the keeping gloves – 50p
    • Not having the straps done up on wicket keeping pads properly – 10p
    • Not having the straps done up on batting pads properly – 10p
    • Dropping hattrick ball – 50p
    • Not backing up – 50p
    • Not being able to write – 10p
    • Getting caught by Liam whilst playing Archery – 10p
    • Missing whilst trying to hit fines master with a pole – 10p
  • Will Harvey – £2.80
    • Dots faced – 10p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 10p
    • Not backing up overthrows properly – 50p
    • Not helping with marquee – 10p
    • Dropping a ball – 50p
    • Guinea pig predicting Germany to win – 50p
    • Being called Mr Harvey – 50p
  • David Summersbee – £2.60
    • Fines grammar – 50p
    • Losing the rally of life – 50p
    • Not playing in tournament – 50p
    • Asking for more fines – 50p
    • Dobbing Ryan in – 10p
    • Quiet Saturday night – 50p
  • Steve Bramley – £3.70
    • Dots faced – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 10p
    • Batting through and getting beat – 50p
    • Dropped catch – 50p
    • Misfield – 50p
    • Misfield missing a run out – 50p
    • Kicking ball over boundary – 50p
    • Complaining about the bruise from kicking ball over boundary – 10p
    • Being not out in a game lost – 50p
  • Duncan Wooloff – £3.10
    • Dots faced – 50p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 10p
    • Unneccesary roll – 50p
    • Car getting clamped – 50p
    • Not staying for World Cup Final – 50p
    • Making a little girl cry during the raffle – 50p
  • Mike Konschel – £4.00
    • Dots faced – 40p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Batting through and getting beat – 50p
    • Running eddie out – 50p
    • Fumble off own bowling – 50p
    • Misfield – 50p
    • Not staying for World Cup Final – 50p
    • Full moon??? – 10p
    • Playing for another team – 50p
  • Ian Challand – £3.50
    • Dots faced – 20p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 60p
    • Bottled a catch – 50p
    • Batting through and getting beat – 50p
    • Name tattoo’ed on boots comment – 10p
    • Being a dick whilst bowling – 10p
    • Sucking up to fines master – 10p
    • Breaking corner of marquee – 10p
    • Being a violin – 10p
    • Lying – 10p
    • Writing his name on his glass – 10p
    • Playing for another team – 50p
  • Philippa Morris – £1.60
    • Dots faced – 30p
    • Getting out – 50p
    • Wides/No balls – 30p
    • Being not out in a game lost – 50p
  • Chaz Boshell – £1.80
    • Laugh – 10p
    • Heightism – 50p
    • Smoking – 50p
    • Spaffing over Messi – 10p
    • Hand puppets – 10p
    • Not playing in tournament – 50p
  • James Mabbett – £1.20
    • Being late – 50p
    • Bad shot by Schurrle – 10p
    • Being in Brazil – 10p
    • Not playing in tournament – 50p
  • Ryan Martin – £1.60
    • Being late – 50p
    • Being late for Konga – 10p
    • Not playing in tournament – 50p
    • Not staying for World Cup Final – 50p