12.45 at the club please, or you will be fined..!!

1)Duncan Wooloff
2)David Henson
3)Ben Putt
4)Barry Martin
5)Mark Tugwell
6)Olly Taylor
7)Ian Challand
8)Stewart Bullpitt
9)Grant Summersbee
10)Toby Gallington
11)David Summersbee

Good game to win this week, for Garsington are top of the league. We have a strong side out, the pitch is glorious and the weather not to bad either. Lets go team. Good luck.

Cheers all, Duncan.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. tj brougham

    I will soon be moving to the area just wandering if ur looking for any new players as i am an avid cricket fan. i am an opening batsman wicketkeeper or fielder in the saturday league i play in. I am the captain of the sunday team i play for be good to hear from you cheers

    • Duncan

      hello there..

      Which club were you referring too, where u moving too, where u currently playing aswell.. if u need anything, Im Duncan the Wantage saturday captain. u can get me on djwooloff@aol.com.

      hope this helps. thanks.