West Ilsley (H) – Cherwell League Div 6C

In runs Harvey, to bowl what would be the last ball of the game, he delivers, the batsman pushes forward, it’s edged and… more on that later. 7 hours earlier With the weather set fair and the strip looking newer than a test match pitch in Bristol we were all set to take on West Ilsley in what would be the first win-lose-draw game for Wantage CC. The straw coloured wicket, and the sun blaring, made us all think it was a no-brainer to bat first. Not something our skipper had to worry…continue reading →

Clifton Hampden (H) – Cherwell League Div 6C

After having the previous week’s fixture abandoned after the home of cricket had seen a considerable amount of rain, we arrived to play Clifton Hampden on what was a glorious day and with a fine pitch, which appeared to have a little bit of something for everyone. We’ve had plenty of games against Clifton in recent years, some good performances and some very bad, but often entertaining. This was to be no exception.  Bat or bowl first, it was a big call. Thankfully skip was spared making the (inevitable) wrong choice by losing toss, and Clifton…continue reading →

Stokenchurch II (A) – Cherwell League Div 6C

After a first week wash-out, Saturday finally saw a return to league (Covid) cricket, with some now familiar requirements, including changing outside, ‘washy-washy’ on a recurring 6 over basis, and the strict absence of traditional handshakes. Some changes, though, with our first away fixture in our new, ‘localised’ Cherwell division and a visit to a new ground (for most of us) in Stokenchurch. Early weather forecasts saw confident predictions of a 45 minute drive to look at some rain for 4 hours, so perhaps it wasn’t surprising that every single team member took…continue reading →

Steventon (A) – Telegraph Cup Round 7

5th September 2020 Having already lost against Marcham and Dorch, and the unfortunate washout at Sunningwell, we made the short trip to Steventon knowing it was our last competitive cricket of 2020. With 15 players available, one of the best weeks for availability all year, it was a strong team looking to finish the season on a high. The hosts skipper, former Wantage opener Chappers, won the toss and decided to bat first. Having heard reports of the wicket playing low and slow all year at Steventon, Summs wasn't disappointed that his men…continue reading →

West Ilsley (H) – Telegraph Cup Round 6

29th August 2020 With the weather putting pay to our trip to Sunningwell and last weeks defeat at the hands of Dorch, a win was very much at the front of all minds. Having been witness to weather that would normally have resulted in a number of mammals boarding an ark earlier in the week, there was much groundwork required in preparation for the game. Fortunately the collective ground staff were on point and with the support of a number of the other team members had everything readied in time for the 1pm…continue reading →

Marcham (H) – Telegraph Cup Round 3

8th August 2020 We continued our run of matches at home, this the fifth on the bounce including our two pre-season friendlies. In the build up to the game the weather was sunny and in the 30's with the forecast indicating it would be another scorcher on game day. After winning the toss skip elected to bat with a strong batting lineup and thoughts on putting some serious runs on the board. Summs and Robbo led the way, with two Marcham youngsters opening the bowling. Having been left covered too long, the wicket…continue reading →

Oxenford 2nd XI (H) – Telegraph Cup Round 2

1st August 2020 After playing underwater cricket last week, the prospect of a more typical cricket weather had both teams relieved. Wantage won the toss and opted to bowl first, a matter of seconds later it started to rain, so the covers were brought on. Fortunately it was short lived and the covers came off so the game commenced on time. The home side started well with good opening spells from Leedog and Harvester (4-30) leaving the visitors at 24-3 at 10 overs; Liam castling Ewings and Warhorse doing for the both Hamp…continue reading →

Tetsworth 2nd XI (H) – Telegraph Cup Round 1

25th July 2020 On a day where any cricket being played was ambitious, the captains and umpires agreed to reduce to 30 overs a side from the outset. The visitors won the toss and chose to bowl, looking to take advantage of good bowling conditions and accrue some bonus points through early wickets. Wantage started steady, but at the first sanitiser break lost the first wicket, and shortly after all players had to leave the field for the first rain break. The match started again with no time lost and Tetsworth took advantage…continue reading →

Broughton & North Newington (A) – OCA Div 2

One of our longest trips of the season, to just South of Banbury, meant an early start to the day for the team – although rarely can there have been as few as four people meeting up the club for car pooling. In any case, after a journey up the M40 the majority of the team rocked up to the ground in good spirits, noting the grassy wicket. Ryan, whose own journey was somewhat shorter, mused that his 'audition' for his most local team might see him get a bit out of the…continue reading →

Faringdon (H) – OCA Div 2

With the week’s controversial news that we had been reinstated to the Airey Cup after Faringdon were excluded for playing an ineligible player, it was only fate that we would face them on Saturday. All week the forecast had been bad for the day, so the covers were on overnight and back on at the start of the game. Barry “Two Pints” Martin went out for the toss, and lost, meaning we had the pleasure of batting first in the heavily overcast, drizzly conditions. As usual, opening up was Colin “Grumps” Mercer and…continue reading →