Faringdon (H) – Airey Cup

Saturday arrived and the forecast looked good for our first cup game of the season, in the Airey Cup. Having reached the final of the Telegraph Cup last year, but unfortunately finished second, we were keen to begin another good run in the Cup format. Our opposition for the day were Faringdon, who we hadn’t played for a number of years due to the disparity in levels between the two clubs. Thanks to our rise up the leagues in the last few years we now share the same league as Faringdon, so the…continue reading →

Cairns Fudge (H) – OCA Div 3

The big weekend began with a game against our well known rivals Cairns Fudge. With the big game this weekend on the Sunday availability was scarce, so it was imperative that we won the toss, due to some planned late arrivals. Spence was rushing to the Wantage WACA direct from Heathrow airport after some work abroad in Turkey, whilst Summerset was planning a late arrival due to a first half football appearance which should have allowed arrival 10-15 minutes after the start. Somewhat inevitably, IC lost the toss and Wantage were asked to…continue reading →

Westcott (H) – OCA Div 3

Saturday started like so many have done in this year; rushing from the house to the car trying not to get too wet before driving to the ground with the windscreen wipers on. With most people at the ground and only two bags in the changing room the optimism of the game going ahead was clearly lacking. With the rain falling gently the umpires declared that the game would be reduced to 25 overs if any play was possible. Not long after the rain stopped and the new covers were removed to reveal…continue reading →

Charity Fun Day Fines

Stewart Bulpitt – £3.50 Dots faced – 20p Getting out – 50p Wides/No balls – 20p Playing behind square on the off side - 50p Jug avoidance on hattrick – 50p Drop – 50p Skipping like a dick – 50p Aguero falling over – 50p Stealing fines master's car - 10p Grant Summersbee - £3.80 Dots faced – 50p Wides/No balls – 10p Shit shot – 10p Throwing the ball into the floor – 10p Crap fielding with Piccers – 10p Dropping hattrick ball – 50p Being not out in a game lost…continue reading →

Cairns Fudge (H) – Telegraph Cup

This was meant to be the weekend of the great double header vs Cairns Fudge. But as often seems to be the case when we play each other in the league, the weather had other ideas. Ideas of playing this cup game as a league/cup double, or playing two 25over games on Sunday aside, the teams turned up at Wantage, on a Sunday, to play a Telegraph Cup Quarter Final. Luckily, Cairns’ captain has a similar record at the toss to our own Ian, neither had won one all season, I say luckily,…continue reading →

Swinbrook (H) – Telegraph Cup

The match began the usual way with Wantage’s illustrious leader partaking in the ritual of tossing a coin and then asking the opposition’s captain what he would prefer to do. We were put into bat and after a short interlude Wantage was one wicket down. Chappers managed bat on ball and was not given out LBW however he was given out caught. Barry scored a 40 before he was caught out but not before having an altercation with a bowler who said that Barry was a good batsmen when he played straight and…continue reading →

Eynsham (H) – OCA Division 3

In a curious Back to the Future-style time-twisting turn of events, we go back to Day 1 of the season... the weather had been wet, and prospects for cricket were not good. The tractor had already been stuck in the squelchy grass in one corner of the ground, and that corner had to be cordoned off for safety. But, the weather was fine, and thanks to the efforts of the ground staff we were out in the sunshine and keen to play. First blood went to Eynsham as they won the toss and…continue reading →

Witney Swifts (A) – OCA Div 3

Looks like this will be the first match report of the season, based on Barry forgetting the rule that MOTM has to write the match report. Two changes to the team this week, Duncan dropping out for what we assume to be work reasons and Bully dropping out for what we assume to be trouser issues, unconfirmed reports that he had to look at wedding venues. We turned up at Witney Swifts full of excitement, just to see the dark clouds gather and the brand new covers quickly see their first action. Half…continue reading →

Westcott (H) – OCA Div 3

Following the celebrations of the 150th anniversary event, it was back to league business as we hosted Westcott for our first league match in August. Although they were languishing near the bottom of the league table, we knew our opponents had some potentially destructive batting and therefore the game was unlikely to be dull.   With skipper IC finding himself better things to do on a Saturday, Barry was at the helm and made us look very professional as we went through some warm-up drills, and had to be dragged away to conduct…continue reading →