A scorching Sunday afternoon gave us the perfect setting for a nice game of cricket against Eynsham yesterday. We played a 35 over game. Wantage batted first achieved a good total of 189 for 5. POD faced the first ball of the innings and started playing some nice shots through the gaps in the fielding side. It was a couple of overs before Long Dog faced a ball, and one ball was all that he faced. The ball hit the pads and Olly, who was umpiring, fingered him without hesitation. I came in and it wasn’t long before I was bowled for 5 runs. POD scored 19. Elbows and Carlos then took to the crease and stayed there, putting on a lovely partnership. Elbows was finally caught on 23. Mongo hit a quick 10 and Big Gay Al finished the innings with 18 not out, playing a supporting role to Carlos who was spanking the ball around.

Carlos scored 84 not out. Not far off his personal best. I put this fine batting performance down to his abnormally increased adrenaline levels and heightened awareness due to being smacked in the box early on in his innings. He writhed around on the ground for some time, much to the amusement of the onlooking spectators. Notably, this extra late rolling of the wicket did seem to improve the uneven bounce that we got early on. Long Dog helpfully ran on the pitch with a glass of water that he poured down Carlos’s pants to cool things down a bit.

I’d like to test this theory that Carl performed better after this injury, so next time we need some runs and Carl is up to bat, please can someone jab him sharply in the groin area when he’s not expecting it and then see how well he does. If all goes well, and my theory is correct, I will develop a “player knocker inner” consisting of a ball on a stick with a spring arrangement that I can try to sell to the ECB to be attached to the changing room doors of the England dressing room.

Anyway… After a fantastic tea, courtesy of POD (with melon, doughnuts and cookies), we took to the field.

Long Dog 7-0-33-0
Peachy 7-0-17-1
Big Gay Al 4-0-23-0
POD 3-1-16-2 including a double wicket maiden!
Carlos 8-0-48-3
Mongo 5.5-1-30-4 including a double wicket maiden!

Eynsham got 176 all out off 34.5 overs. We nearly let them get the runs required. With about 8 overs to go, they were 127 for 5 with some comfortable looking batsmen at the crease. There were some fielding errors that had helped them on their way – no names to protect the guilty. The team really started to focus and with some superb bowling from Carlos and Mongo we managed to win.

The best catch was easily a lightning fast, diving, stretched out catch from Gorgeous George behing the stumps.

Man of the Match was easily Carlos with his 3 wickets and 84 runs.
Pigs ear was also Carlos due the his writhing around on the wicket after getting one in the plums.