Many thanks to everyone who attended our Awards Do on the 26th October. A good night was had by all. We’re hoping for pictures to be up in the near future (as soon as Chaz sends them to the webmaster)! In the meantime, the winners in full (meaning where I can remember them) were:

Pig’s Ear –  [ask Chief!]

Champagne Moment – Dave Summersbee (after a tense Paper/Scissors/Rock with Grant & Nick)

Man of the Match – Nick I Burton (decided on PSR against Ian)

Bowling Award – Nick Burton

Batting Award – Shared between Nick I Burton and Ian Challand, who had identical records



Pig’s Ear – [ask OT!]

Champagne Moment – James Mabbett (after more intense PSR action!)

Man of the Match – [ask OT!]

Duck Award – Ben Rendell

Bowling Award – Oliver Taylor

Batting Award – Colin Mercer



“Most Valuable Player” from Tour – Chaz Boshell

The Jam Jar Award for Most Fines Throughout the Season – Colin Mercer

The Minnie Mouse Shower Gel award for most Shower-specific fines – Mike Konschel

Butterfingers Award for Worst Catching Record – Tim Lane

Bucket Award for Best Catching Record – Nick Burton

Sieve Award for most Fineable Misfields – Dave Spencer

Pig’s Ear – Barry Martin

Champagne Moment – Barry Martin

TFC – Tim Lane/Ian Challand

Duck Award – Will Harvey

Man of the Match – Barry Martin

Bowling Award – Barry Martin

Batting Award – Colin Mercer


Captains Award

Nick Burton



2013 Saturday Stats are now available for you all, in full glorious low definition. See the link below!

2013 Season Stats