Horspath 4s (away) Cherwell 5C WLD

This weekends 1st team fixture saw an away trip to Horspath. Confidence was high after a strong performance last week and the knowledge that the previous game against this opposition saw a 203 run victory. Unfortunately, the 'Crucible' appearance of the track and return of additional squad members to the hosts, ensured that the Skipper was preaching caution and a determination to maintain our winning ways.  The Skipper's up and down day started by winning the toss and putting Horspath into bat. With the team talk echoing in our ears, the team started…continue reading →

1st XI vs Watlington 1 – 29/6/24 – Cherwell 5C- WLD

The rarity of a Saturday match report! So, let’s make it a good one. The 1’s returned to Charlton Road after a torrid 3 weeks. 3 successive heavy defeats, albeit to some of the leagues stronger opposition, had reigned in expectations after the jet-propelled start to the season. After the debacle at Risinghurst a week previous, the order of the day was a competitive, fighting performance, regardless of the end result.   With the wounds of last week’s batting collapse still fresh and his two seam bowling aces back in the pack, there…continue reading →