AGM Outcomes

Won’t cover everything, formal minutes will undoubtedly be sent around to members soon. Saturday and Sunday captains for the coming season have been voted upon and decided, they are as follows: Saturday Captain: Duncan Wooloff Saturday Vice Captain: Colin Mercer Sunday Captain: Steve Bramley Sunday Vice Captain: Graham North Wednesday Captain: TBC Wednesday Vice Captain: TBCcontinue reading →

AGM Tonight

Don't forget the AGM is tonight. Starts at 7:30pm, be there early enough to make sure there is time to get beer in before the start! See you all later.continue reading →

England Flying Home

The England team are to fly home before the test series in India due to the resent violent attacks. The one day series is basically over anyway, 5 – 0 down in a 7 match series, does this still count as a proper whitewash?continue reading →

Ways To Follow England On Tour

The problem with being on tour in India is that the every day Cricket fan finds it hard to follow. We are 4 games into a 7 ODI series, so far England have lost all 4, including the most recent game today. So, well done lads, as KP keeps saying “we are improving” and from what I’ve seen they are, just not very quickly. Thought it would be cool to run over a couple of ways to keep up with the play whilst at work / away from Sky Sports. My personal choice…continue reading →

Club AGM

Role up, role up, come on down, it’s that once in a year opportunity to hang out with the entire committee. Friday 28th November, is the when. In the club, is the where. Because all players / members should, is the why. See you there!continue reading →

Uffington – Home – Draw

A slightly drizzly start to the match with Uffington soon cleared up into a lovely sunny day with a perfect dry wicket. I won the toss and opted to field first figuring that we’d done well recently on run chases and hoping that the drizzle didn’t turn into anything more sinister. We decided to play a timed game. Both teams had too many players, so, in the interest of giving as many people a game as possible, we played with twelve players each. Somehow though, Uffington ended up with eleven so we ended…continue reading →

The Quokkas – Home – Victory

The Quokkas game is back around, this season we got lucky with the weather and even though it was extremely blustery we got a game in. Remembering last season where we only got the game up in London, no home tie due to the rain. With the "series" tied at 1-1 there was some huge pressure (yeah right) on this game. With Steve "Nordic" Bramley having to leave he volunteered to run the bar and score as he had to leave before the end of the game. Because of this, Duncan "Longdog" Wooloff…continue reading →

Eynsham – Home – Victory

A beautiful sunny day greeted us at the club and prepared us for what turned out to be a well balanced, very enjoyable game against Eynsham. For the first time this season, I lost the toss, which turned out for the best as, in retrospect, I don’t think we’d have won if we’d batted first. So we went out into the hot sun to field and bowl at the strong Eynsham batting lineup. The first thing that surprised us was the aggressive batting style of the Eynsham number one who tried to smack…continue reading →

Crowmarsh – Home – Victory

Here we are again, against the old foe Crowmarsh. Luckily (soon to become unluckily) this is not the highly competitive, life changing, win at all costs Derek Shorter Memorial match. It is only the highly competitive, life changing, win at all costs friendly between us and them. I want to make sure Crowmarsh feel satisfied by this match report, after some website abuse which was received from one of their players, who will remain nameless, because looking at the scorebook he didn’t dare show his face at the ground (or of course gave…continue reading →

Hendred – Away – Victory

Hendred Away - Win After last season’s downpours it was great to have a hot, sunny day for a game of cricket so early in this season’s fixtures. Tweekey and I arrived at Hendred a little late having had to hand around waiting for Strawberry Lightening at Harwell who had our scorebook to write up last weeks match report (apparently it’s on it’s way) and had left it at home so had to go back to get it. I won the toss (that’s three in a row!) and controversially decided to field in…continue reading →