Notice of EGM

We will be holding an EGM to appoint new Trustees at the clubhouse on Friday 26 April at 1900. The actual meeting should not last too long and will have just one item, we the Committee will nominate somebody to be our new Trustee, we will ask for a vote and that person is likely to be appointed. In order to hold the EGM we need a minimum of 12 members present, so please can you all do your best to attend this. We’ll have the bar open if anyone wants to stay…continue reading →

Awards 2018

Awards presented at the 2018 annual dinner on 6th October: Captain's award: Colin Mercer Wednesday Bowling award: Olly Haine Batting award: Liam Turnbull Sunday Duck award: Tim Weekes Bowling award: Tim Weekes Batting award: Ed Porter Saturday Sieve award for highest ratio of dropped catches: Steve Bramley Catching award: Colin Mercer Most improved player award: Alan Wong "Dummy out of the pram" award: Ryan and Barry Martin Pigs ear award: Ryan Martin Champagne moment award: Barry Martin Man of the match award: Barry Martin Bowling award: James Mabbett Batting award: Dave Spencercontinue reading →

Social Evening Friday 14 September

This Friday there is no youth cricket coaching but the club is hosting an end of season social evening. With the bar and the BBQ open, there is to be the important kids v adults rounders match. We look forward to seeing all from 1730 with the rounders due to start at about 1745.continue reading →

Youth Coaching Friday 7 September

The coach Trenton will be with us this evening for our last coached session of the year. Starting at 1730 as usual, the BBQ and bar will be open and there will be extra cake available. Can there be a better reason to visit the club than free cake?continue reading →

Youth Coaching – Friday 31 August

We are sorry but there will not be any cricket coaching on Friday 31 August as our coach is unavailable. The bar and BBQ will be open, there will be some cricket equipment for the kids and so a nice opportunity to enjoy a relaxing last evening of summer.continue reading →