7th June 2009, Eynsham, Home

So, after a brief summer, the Twenty20 world cup has brought us miserable weather and on the day that England managed to survive and stay in the world cup by beating Pakistan, Wantage faced a tough challenge against Eynsham. Wantage being one player down made the challenge more testing. Wantage won the toss and chose to field, hoping that the wicket may dry out a bit later on. Eynsham batted well and tore apart the opening bowling attack. Moobs going for 27 and Pippy 25 runs off their 3 overs, although Moobs did…continue reading →

Aldworth CC – Home – Wednesday

The Wednesday team reconvened on the 3rd of June, having had the away fixture to Woodcote postponed due to rain a week earlier. A dry and sunny week had passed and the team was confident that a win was possible against opponents Aldworth CC who had also started the year with one win and one defeat. (more…)

Ducklington – Away – Steve Dixon Cup

Once again it seems that the Sunday match report has found it’s way onto the website before the Saturday one, I blame the captains… This week was round 2 of the Steve Dixon Memorial Cup, after dealing with the troublesome Chipping Norton in round 1 we were confident when taking on Ducklington. The difference this time? We’re away. And anyone who’s played against Ducklington will know what I mean by that… whether you’ve played football or cricket you will have experienced the same facilities and insanely low showers. Only thing shorter are the…continue reading →

31st May 2009, Crowmarsh, Home

It’s always good to play a cricket match in sunny weather. It can be hot and frustrating in the field when you’re chasing the ball to every boundary and looking under hedges and in the long grass in the neighbouring field for balls that have been dispatched for 6 by the opposing team. But it’s better to do this glistening with sweat than to be cold and miserable as we often have been at this time of year. The Derek Shorter Cup match proved to be a very challenging game for Wantage this…continue reading →

Team V’s Ducklington – Away – Cup Game

12.20 at the club please, or you will be fined..!! 1)Duncan Wooloff 2)Colin Mercer 3)Chris Yates 4)Barry Martin 5)Ryan Martin 6)Olly Taylor 7)Nick Burton 8)Steve Bramley 9)Grant Summersbee 10)James Mabbett 11)Ian Challand Sorry to all those that have missed out this week, you will play throughout the season. Remember to make yourself available via the selection system. Its very easy to do. Also there is Sunday and Wednesday cricket and NETS on a Tuesday at 6.15pm. Get yourself up there, get some form and it does sway the selection. Cheers all, Duncan.continue reading →

Match Report V Stonesfield II – 23/05/2009

Having turned up at Wantage with this time a very enthusiastic 11, things were already looking much better for club Wantage & Grove. The 2nd positive as we would find out throughout the day was the gathering crowd, and when I mean crowd I mean CROWDS. Most of Zimbabwe had turned out, bringing there much loved supporting prowess and Mexican skills..!! Wave, now that's a wave..!! Anyway, I divulge, back to the cricket. I lost the toss, no problems, we are very ambiguous as a team, giving both batting and bowling a go.…continue reading →

Lions Club – Home – Wednesday

We came in to play the second game of the Wednesday season with high hopes, having never had lost a game, and also having completely annihilated Metal Box in the game two weeks prior. As the home team we were set the mighty task of bowling against The Lion’s Club. Bully opened with a respectable over from the field end, letting only 10 runs go, but unfortunately breaking the usual first over wicket success he has previously had! Poor Stew!! However, the elder zimbo of the side, Barry, steamed in for his first…continue reading →

Team for Saturday against Stonesfield II.

12.50 at the club please. 1)Duncan Wooloff 2)Colin Mercer 3)Chaz Boshell 4)Barry Martin 5)Ryan Martin 6)Olly Taylor 7)Nick Burton 8)Steve Bramley 9)Stewart Bullpitt 10)James Mabbett 11)Ian Challand Sorry to all those that have missed out this week, you will play throughout the season. Remember to make yourself available via the selection system. Its very easy to do. Also there is Sunday and Wednesday cricket and NETS on a Tuesday at 6.15pm. Get yourself up there, get some form and it may sway the selection. Cheers all, Duncan.continue reading →

Garsington II – Away – League

Having turned up at Garsington with a very enthusiastic 9, (doesn’t bowed well when one player gets stuck in London and the other loses his car keys so cant get to the ground) we thought what else could go wrong..?! Well, I hear you ask, that ‘WORST’ happened... we decided that only having 9 wasn’t enough of a start for them, a batting collapse was more fun. I myself was most guilty contributing a well played 0. Only Barry “lion king, Simba, oh crap look at the Lion at Chessington Zoo with no…continue reading →