Saturday Team vs Dorchester – Away – 2pm Start

Team for Saturday is as follows: Colin Mercer Barry Martin Ryan Martin Nick Burton Nick Burton Steve Yates Ian Challand Duncan Wooloff Olly Taylor Ben Rendell Toby Gallington Either meet up the club for a 12.45 departure, or go direct for a 1.15 meet. Their ground can be found at the following postcode: OX10 7PJ Cheers all.continue reading →

Saturday Team vs Tetsworth II – Away – 2pm Start

Team for Saturday Colin Mercer Barry Martin Ryan Martin Nick Burton Duncan Wooloff Ian Challand Toby Gallington Chaz Bushell Carl Wooloff Grant Summersbee Olly Taylor We have to get to Tetsworth, which is Thame, map is here, or use the postcode OX9 3DL. Can you please be at the club for 12.15, aiming for a 12.30 departure.continue reading →

SSJ Willows – Home – OCA League

The first game of the season, and what a lovely day we had for it! Grey, bleak, threatening and an almost certain forecast for rain, ideal. I'm going to keep this season's match reports a lot shorter than those of last year, there is no need to write 1000 words, hopefully this will encourage more people to get involved with writing them. First toss, a good one to win, so I did. Well, he called wrong, that still counts as me winning in my book! Decision made to bowl first, the best way…continue reading →

Ground Preparation

This is a message to the players (and anyone who is interested), every season the story is the same: An INSANE amount of effort is put into the ground by a special few people, they are the people who make sure the pitch is prepared, the outfield is short and a strip marked etc. Yesterday I took my first ride on the tractor to cut the outfield, the small child in me loved it, as did the adult. What better way to spend a sunny spring afternoon? What more, it is very straight…continue reading →

Pre-Season Training

[updated] This season pre season nets are being held at Radley College at the follow times / dates. Sunday 4th April - 6-7 pm (be up there around 5.45) Sunday 11th April – 10-11 am (be up there around 9.45) Sunday 18th April – 10-11 am (be up there around 9:45) Outdoor nets will start around that sort of time on a Thursday evening at the club, I will confirm the date for these soon. There will be a small charge to cover the hall rental, but this will only be a couple…continue reading →

Pre Season Social

As you should have received an email about (if you haven’t let us know so we can update mailing list) there is a Pre Season Social planned for this Saturday evening at the club. It’s a cheap excuse to go down there for a few games of pool, a couple of beers and a catch up. The more the merrier! If you are coming along please let Steve B know via email.continue reading →

Now Learn How to Bowl Fast & Straight

Received this and wanted to share it with everyone, anyone interested in getting involved see the contact details at the bottom. You will learn the unique ABSAT (Advanced Biomechanics Speed & Accuracy Training) methods founded by Ian Pont. On the workshop you will discover how to: Bowl faster & straighter Access power in the body Break down and understand the bowling action Learn what works for you and what doesn't Find the elusive 'timing' of the bowling action .plus how to bowl yorkers, bouncers, swing, seam, and variations including the world's best slower…continue reading →