Ground Preparation

This is a message to the players (and anyone who is interested), every season the story is the same: An INSANE amount of effort is put into the ground by a special few people, they are the people who make sure the pitch is prepared, the outfield is short and a strip marked etc. Yesterday I took my first ride on the tractor to cut the outfield, the small child in me loved it, as did the adult. What better way to spend a sunny spring afternoon? What more, it is very straight…continue reading →

Pre-Season Training

[updated] This season pre season nets are being held at Radley College at the follow times / dates. Sunday 4th April - 6-7 pm (be up there around 5.45) Sunday 11th April – 10-11 am (be up there around 9.45) Sunday 18th April – 10-11 am (be up there around 9:45) Outdoor nets will start around that sort of time on a Thursday evening at the club, I will confirm the date for these soon. There will be a small charge to cover the hall rental, but this will only be a couple…continue reading →

Pre Season Social

As you should have received an email about (if you haven’t let us know so we can update mailing list) there is a Pre Season Social planned for this Saturday evening at the club. It’s a cheap excuse to go down there for a few games of pool, a couple of beers and a catch up. The more the merrier! If you are coming along please let Steve B know via email.continue reading →

Now Learn How to Bowl Fast & Straight

Received this and wanted to share it with everyone, anyone interested in getting involved see the contact details at the bottom. You will learn the unique ABSAT (Advanced Biomechanics Speed & Accuracy Training) methods founded by Ian Pont. On the workshop you will discover how to: Bowl faster & straighter Access power in the body Break down and understand the bowling action Learn what works for you and what doesn't Find the elusive 'timing' of the bowling action .plus how to bowl yorkers, bouncers, swing, seam, and variations including the world's best slower…continue reading →

Some better news…

The order has been placed for the new kit for the season, and the badge design has been finalised. I thought I would share the badge design with you, but the shirt design will remain a minor surprise for when they arrive. Hopefully, they will be with us in time for the first game of the season.continue reading →

Redevelopment Proposal

As a club, we are about to take the field in battle against one of the toughest oppositions out there… the local council and housing developers. In a recent planning meeting it was announced that property developers would like to build houses on our lovely ground, and move us to a new location. Now as a club, this is not something which we are entirely against, however there are some very important considerations to take into account. The most important of which is the new location itself, is it big enough? Is the…continue reading →

Saturday Fixtures 2010

The fixtures for the Saturday league team are up, take a look on the OCA site here or on this site here. As you can see we were indeed successfully promoted last year to division 6, giving us a new breed of team to play against, and a stab at some old opponents in Garsington. First league game is the 1st May, however we are currently in negotiations for a friendly the week before this, on the Sunday. Will keep you all posted on this when we have more information.continue reading →